Have less – Be more
Wardrobes and Bedrooms
I find there is nothing better than pulling everything out of your wardrobe, checking each item for holes, rips and tears, sizes and ‘have I worn this in the last year’ and then re-organising back into the space with lovely new coat hangers, storage baskets and products to give the space a new lease of life.
Services Benefits

Keeping your wardrobe in check, makes you keep the items you love and pass on the ones that you don’t so its easier to view your loved pieces without the clutter getting in the way.

Always dreaming of fitting into those size S jeans again? Perhaps a real conversation with some goals to do this might either boost you to get it done or even easier – be able to let them go to someone who can wear them now.

Organised spaces reduce the physiological response of cortisol, a stress hormone. Fact.

Donating always makes you feel good about helping others in need, but remember if you wouldn’t gift it to a friend, then an op shop probably shouldn’t take it.

I don’t know about you, but anything to help with a morning routine has to be good for you! With an organised bedroom and wardrobe with systems in place, will make the start of the day a good one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t see your question here? Get in touch.
Will you make me throw out all my clothes?
Of course not! The choice is always yours, but rest assured I have a course of questions I have to challenge you with why otherwise I wouldn’t be doing my job. The decision to keep clutter or create space is always paramount!
I’m worried about impact on the environment and fast fashion? How can you help?
I have lots of strategies in creating good habits and can help you make changes for you to do your part in looking after our planet. Vintage shopping and other sources of retail therapy could be just as good if not better for your pocket as well as the environment.
Can you help me with footwear?
Yes, I have lots of ideas and suggestions to help declutter your footwear to a range of communities groups & charities.
Can you sell on concession if I have vintage/expensive clothing no longer needed?
Yes, I can facilitate this service for you & you make some money back on the clothing you no longer want.
Do I have to buy organising products?
I do recommend storage products only because I know they work, but we can use what you have (if it’s appropriate) or I have lots of other tips and tricks to use if you don’t have the budget.
Before & After Photos
Are you ready to be Supercharged?
Let's get your space organised!
Locations Covered
Kapiti Coast
Hutt Valley